Thursday, January 29, 2015

Random Tech Bits

Some recent tech news from around the 'net:

Here is a short video on researchers are trying to figure out how to fly helicopters on Mars. I hope they are also working on ideas on how to fly in or recover from a dust storm. Back on Earth, there was a fire at a greenhouse that was part of a mock Mars mission.

For some, the future of artificial intelligence is worrying...see the recent articles here and here for more information. Also, on the tech front, Microsoft recently announced and demonstrated HoloLens. See here, here, and here for more details. The technology is nice contrast to the all-virtual reality headsets such as the Oculus Rift.

Finally, researchers have sent "micro-machines" (nanotech) inside of mice for the first time.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Chronopticus Trilogy Trailer #1

Here's an audio/radio trailer for the entire Chronopticus Chronicles trilogy. Thanks to the folks at Chapel Hill Media for making this possible.

Friday, January 16, 2015

A Novel in a Picture

Although there are numerous digital art sites across the internet, the other day I stumbled on one in particular that is pretty interesting. It's called Concept Art World. My only comment is that when I see some of the incredible work that these artists create, it suddenly becomes easy to write stories. I've said more than a few times that I could probably outline a novel or write a short story in a matter of hours based on a single concept art image alone.

Another great site for inspiration is Feng Zhu's blog and his associated FZD design school channel on YouTube. Check it out...there are many very informative videos there.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Calm Before the Storm

So I decided to take a brief break between novels (after wrapping up Chronopticus Rising and before writing the rough draft of Race the Sky) and instead I find myself writing more than ever. Nothing serious at this point, but just dozens and dozens of short stories, character sketches, and other random structure ideas I've been thinking about for awhile. Some of the sketches will lead to novels, while others will lead to short stories, and others will just remain freewheeling experiments.

Stay tuned...