Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Preview of Corridors

The heavy lifting is done on the next book. Barring last minute changes, the upcoming short story collection, titled Corridors, will contain fourteen science fiction short stories. The cover artwork has not been completed yet, but I can give you the titles of the stories and the order in which they will appear:

The Bells of Copernicus
Image Management
A Fifth of Amber
Consider the Ant
Bridges to Eden
Between the Lines
In Remembrance of Simplicity
The Mines of Mars
IM Forever
A Moveable Peace
The View From Under the Bridge
Cities of the Plain

There should be something for everyone here: electronic insect battles ("Firebugs"), robotic ants run amok ("Consider the Ant"), a washed-up interstellar musician who finds inspiration in an unlikely place ("Corridors"), to a machine that writes novels ("Between the Lines"). Then there is a story about a memory chip implant experiment ("In Remembrance of Simplicity") and another story that explores a potential darker side of transhumanism ("The View From Under the Bridge"). I'm hoping that everything will be ready to go by mid-October. I'd like to post an excerpt or two here, but I'm going to enroll the book in Amazon's KDP select, which makes things sort of complicated when it comes to excerpts.

Looking ahead, I have plans for a tightly linked set of short stories that would again fall under the realm of science fiction as well as plans for more novels. I'll also be doing a lot more posting on here again in the coming days and weeks.

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