Saturday, May 11, 2024

Yes, There Will Be a Book Four and a Book Five

With the Twisters movie just around the corner, and the already active 2024 storm chasing season well underway, I've been keenly aware of how The Secrets of Elements series may fit into all of this.

For years, I've been working on gathering material for the final two books in the series. I am close to the outlining stage for both novels and the books will be written together this summer. The first book, Right as Rain, will focus on the element of water and the fifth book, as yet untitled, will focus on the earth. Book four will introduce a new antagonist, and book five will bring back Dr. Amalynth from book two (The Hammer of Amalynth) along with Dr. Minton from book three (The Fire and the Anvil).

In the meantime I am busy writing another science fiction short story collection, The Mechanics of Flight, which I hope will be out sometime this summer. More updates on that book shortly.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Book Release: Flyover Country

Just published another work of science fiction, Flyover Country. This time, it is collection of short stories. Here is the back cover copy:

When two rival inventors unleash their artificial intelligence chips on America, a way of life is upended. Battlefields erupt in the most unlikely of places—from farms to libraries to board games whose pieces have a mind of their own.

Despite the chaos, stories of hope soon emerge—ones built on love and truth. These are some of those stories.

It is currently available on Amazon, but will soon be available in paperback. More details on this book and other upcoming projects soon.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Flyover Update

Flyover Country, a science fiction short story collection about artificial intelligence, is nearly done. It will be available shortly in e-book form on Amazon, and then in paperback.

Here is probable ad copy for it:

When two rival inventors unleash their artificial intelligence chips on America, a way of life is upended. Battlefields erupt in the most unlikely of places—from farms to libraries to board games whose pieces have a mind of their own.

Despite the chaos, stories of hope soon emerge—ones built on love and truth. These are some of those stories.

Beyond this book, I am about halfway finished writing the next short story collection, The Mechanics of Flight. After that, I will be working on two more novels and two more Bible study books. More details coming soon...

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Flyover Country

It's been a while.

Just because it has been quiet on this blog doesn't mean I haven't been writing. In fact, I have a substantial amount of material that I hope to put out over the next year or two. This will include more short story collections, several novels, and probably a pair of Bible studies.

The first book out of the gate will be Flyover Country, which will be a collection of a dozen science fiction short stories relating to AI (artificial intelligence). I am about three quarters of the way through the rough draft stage on the book and it should be done by the end of the month.

The title has several meanings. The most common meaning is the central part of the United States, or the area of the country that people on the coasts "fly over" and in some ways, ignore. For this book, however, this area of the country will be central to each story.

I've debated about whether to turn this collection into a novel instead. That may happen with some of the stories at some point. For now, though, it will be a collection that should arrive within the next two months.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Book Release: Gathering the Hours

It's about time for another Bible study. This time I am releasing a book that studies just that--time. This project took longer than I expected, although in the end the extra research was worth it. It turned out to be difficult to try and sum up thousands of years of timekeeping history in a few pages. Also, the subject of the feasts of Israel kept expanding the more I researched it.

Topics covered in this book include God being inside and outside of time, aging, memorials, prophecies (true and false), anxiety, the End Times, eternity, and more.

This book is now available on Amazon here. It will also soon be available in paperback.

I also have a couple of other Bible studies in the works as well the two more novels planned in the Secrets of the Elements fiction series. More on those projects soon.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Book Release: Gathering the Swarm

Today I would like to present yet another entry in the Gathering Series, Gathering the Swarm: What the Bible Says About God and the Insect World. This one is a shorter work, but it covers subjects such as the plagues of Exodus (the ones that involved insects), the intriguing entrance into the Promised Land (with assistance from insects), and the wisdom of ants.

The book is currently available in e-book form on Amazon here, and the paperback version will follow shortly. Ironically, there is a substantial locust invasion ongoing in Africa and the Middle East.

Next up: a "timely" Bible study along with some more fiction updates.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Book Release: Gathering the Artists

Over the past few months, I have put together a Bible study that explores the relationship between God and mankind in terms of art and creativity. It is titled Gathering the Artists: What the Bible Says About God, Art, and Creativity. Some of the topics covered include Moses’ tabernacle, the temples in Jerusalem, music, writing, and drama. I made a few discoveries along the way and I hope you’ll find them interesting.

The book also discusses what it all means for a modern artist trying to incorporate faith into their work. As always, the book is loaded with Bible verses.

It is now available in e-book form on It is also available in paperback here.